Thursday, November 29, 2007

One step closer to adulthood

Whenever my family would take a vacation, my dad would invariably tune our radio dial to talk radio. I would generally utter my feelings of disdain along with my wishes of owning a c.d. walkman contraption. These remarks were made in vain as a.) my dad pretended not to hear my grumblings and b.) I never received a c.d. walkman from my parents (no doubt an issue that will be discussed in future counseling sessions--the poor deprived WASP child was never allowed to own a personal c.d. walkman, oh the humanity!). I was forced to listen to Rush Limbaugh and other grey-haired, right-winged political commentators. Okay, I'll come back to this (tuck it away for now, avid readers--that means you, mom).

Now, I'm going to admit something (on the Internet!!!) that many of you may be shocked to read. I mean, I am an educated individual currently trying to educate other young people. Here it is: I don't watch the news. I don't. I mean who has time to watch the news when Heidi and Spencer may or may not be breaking up. The fact that I don't watch the news is a point of concern for my husband. He feels that it is my duty to remain an informed American citizen. I usually brush off his concerns with, "the news is too depressing." A comment which never placates him but usually ends the discussion.

Over the last several weeks, I have felt somewhat convicted about my ignorance of all things newsworthy. Enter my new fascination with talk radio. Remember that paragraph with which I started off this enthralling post...well, here is the relevance. On my way to work I have decided to join the ranks of informed citizens and listen to current events from around the world. Okay, I'm going to write something that may make my extremely conservative, Hannity and Colmes adoring father's heart stop beating, but I listen to NPR on my way to work now. (Someone get the crash cart). Okay, I know NPR is somewhat liberal (somewhere my father has stopped breathing), but the more conservative AM station (760) does not come in very well on my radio. Anyway, despite one horrid, bile-inducing report on illegal immigration, I have enjoyed my new listening choice. I feel informed without the bitter aftertaste that the 11:00 news leaves in my mouth. I now know that Mitt Romney is a presidential hopeful and not a breed of labrador. I know that Laura Linney is a serious actress who never brings her own personal baggage into any movie she's in. Oh, the things I've learned. I feel as if I have arrived as an adult.

Now if I could just work on not giggling when I hear the word "fart".


rachel said...

i love this post. you have a delightful way with words. every once in a great while, i'll give npr a listen. i usually turn it off when they start talking about tom cruise, though.

Kyle Luke said...

Um, what do you call "Best Week Ever?" I'd say you've been watching the news for years . . .

heather.snider said...

Okay so I'm a bit I am official the only person in the world who hates talk radio and doesn't watch the news. The whole beginning of your post could have been mine, minus the fact that I did own a walkman! :)