You like to sleep in your swing (Exhibit A)
and on your tummy (which momma doesn't allow unless I'm fully awake with my ever watchful eye on the rising and falling of your back)
You are so patient allowing me to pose you in all kinds of ridiculous situations. You've only rolled your eyes at me once (because you were in the beginning stages of REM).
You got to experience your first opening day (from the comfort of your living room). I even bought you an outfit to celebrate the occasion. Unfortunately, the Tigers lost. They did, however, sweep their first series at Comerica park this you take the good, you take the bad.
This past weekend you celebrated your first Easter. I even think I saw you raise a hand when the pastor asked if anyone wanted to dedicate his or her life to Christ. You were also asleep at the time, so it might have been a reflex. Momma, in all her insanity, made you an Easter basket--which totally rocked your world (exhibit A).
You also got to meet your cousins for the first time. Which also rocked your world...look at that excitement!
It was fun to see the three of you together. You and your cousin Gigi are only 7 weeks apart, so it will be fun to watch the two of you grow together.
Your cousin Bella was so good with you. She's definitely the "mom" of the group. I can't wait to see the three of you become close.
This month has also been the month of gas. I would insert a picture here, but a) I felt bad taking pictures of you crying and b) it would make me cry. Your little tummy gets so tight and you get so upset. It's hard for me to watch you in pain; I feel so helpless. I just want to take it from you. I have definitely learned to call on the Lord with you. As a parent, I do feel powerless a lot of the time and I can't imagine raising you without my faith. I hope and pray that you will someday come to know and love Christ.
This is a whole new experience with you. I still just look at you and am amazed that God blessed us with such an incredible little man. We love you so much, Eli. Happy 2 months!
Jeanette, Your writings never cease to make me smile. Your wit is right up my alley. :) Just thought you should know that you have more than 2 readers ;) and that I think your family is absolutely gorgeous. Congratulations, again!
Thanks, Mel! I, too, am a fan of your writing!
very sweet!! eli is so cute! i love his little opening day outfit.
Hi Jeanette!
My little guy was born on Feb 14! His name is Rece. Eli is adorable! We went through many of the same things, and Rece also is very gassy and colic'y although it is getting much better, we are too on formula now. If it makes you feel any better I screwed up breastfeeding so bad that a lactation consultant told me I should try formula...HA! Hang in there, you are doing a great job!
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